Born and raised in Berlin, I work in the fields of corporate design, web design und illustration since 2006.
I create beautiful stuff for you. Online and offline. I know about the workflows, costs and resources. I work alone as well as in teams. I can lead. I learn every day. And I create. Always.
Most of the time I am part of a small berlin-based independent creative team, called TEAMKBX, which I co-founded in 2007. I do work as a freelancer as well.
Based on my scholarship I self-educated myself in terms of graphic design, web design, HTML, CSS, some CMS (WordPress, Drupal, etc.), Illustration, EMail Campaigning, online pledges, social media communications, film making, 3D modelling and animation.
I love Soul Music. I love Whisky and Cigars. I love hand-lettering and hand made stuff in general. I love to create every day and I'm deeeply in love with two girls.